Cory LaNou

Cory LaNou a full stack technologist who has specialized in start-ups for the last 20 years. Cory has started several technology companies over the years, including companies such as Pulsity, a web consulting firm in the late 90's. From that company, Local Launch, an internet marketing technology company was formed and sold to RH Donnelly in 2006.

Cory has deep experience in the Go world, having worked on the Core engineering team that contributes to InfluxDB, a highly scalable, distributed time series database written in Go. Cory has worked on several other Go projects with a focus on profiling and optimizing applications, using advanced profiling concepts such as torch graphs and tracing profiles.

Cory has deep ties to the Go community, having started one of the very first Go meetups in the world, Denver Gophers, as well as assisting in the very first GopherCon. Cory has created and led numerous Go workshops and training courses. He has several published online articles related to Go. Cory also helps lead and organize several community technology meetups and mentors new developers. Cory is also a partner at Gopher Guides, the industry leader for Go training and conferences.

When Cory isn't working on writing new Go training material, he volunteers his time helping local entrepreneurs start up their own businesses by offering free business advice and services, such as incorporating their business, getting their web presence set up, and giving them the morale support they need to make their dreams a reality.



Create a Restful JSON Service in Go with GIN


Need to create a JSON web service FAST! Gin is a JSON web framework that comes with all batteries included. You can have a RESTFUL JSON Service up and running in just minutes! And get al the Benefits of Go with it! Fast compile/test speeds, fast runtime, robust language features!

Details: Writing a JSON API in Go

Let's be honest, this is just the way things work now days (unless of course you are using protobuff.. but I did that talk already). Other languages certainly support this concept easily enough as well…ruby/pythong/java/etc. So why do I care about doing this in Go? Well, it's simple. Really, I mean “simple” as in Go is a simple language, and it requires next to nothing to get a Go project up and running and deployed to production. Plus, it's fast! I mean, compared to any other language deployed to the cloud… it's REALLY fast.

What will we do?

  • Install Go on your computer ~ 5-10 minutes
  • Put a code editor on your computer if you don't already have one. Highly recommend Visual Code ~ 5-10 Minutes
  • Write our first Restful JSON program using Go! ~ 10 minutes
  • Take the journey into a deeper understanding of what a good RESTFul API looks like, and maybe even see how we can use Swagger to generate some of our code and test it as well! ~ 45-60 minutes