Dan Zajork

Software engineering professional with experience in mobile, web and backend development. I have strong skills in technical leadership, system design, security, and software development lifecycle management.

I am passionate about the craft of software development and technology. I believe that education is a lifelong pursuit. With over ten years of experience in my professional career, I still find myself excited and ready to learn new things.



I <3 IoT - We need to do better

Over the years, I have built and worked on many software systems ranging from automating business processes to medical imaging solutions. Most recently, I am working in the field of connected product. The Internet of Things (IoT) has fascinated me. More and more products are connected to the Internet using Web technologies, often insecurely. A recent survey by IBM shows that only 20% of companies producing IoT products are regularly testing for security vulnerabilities. These products include medical, personal security, and home automation devices. Having worked to both build and secure an IoT product, there are many challenges and constraints that exist when making these products secure. I would like to explore this topic in-depth and offer guidance to software and hardware teams building IoT devices to make them more secure.