Hilary Stohs-Krause

Like many developers, Hilary Stohs-Krause started out building websites while still a kid ... but, unlike most, hers was dedicated to Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

As an 11-year-old, Hilary didn't know she could make websites for a living, so in college, she pursued a different passion: journalism. Over the following two decades, she wrote, edited, designed, managed and radio'd her way to a position as an award-winning investigative journalist who freelanced for NPR and taught journalists around the country how to incorporate the web into their writing.

Now, as a full-stack developer for Ten Forward Consulting in Madison, WI, part of her job is to incorporate writing into the web. She spearheaded and now directs Ten Forward's company blog, edits copy for client blogs, and writes and edits content for client sites, in addition to front-end and back-end development and some design.

She's passionate about increasing inclusivity in tech, and volunteers at youth coding events through various Madison-area organizations, as well as tutoring students at the Madison YWCA's web development bootcamp. She's a primary organizer for the Madison Women in Tech meetup, which has more than 600 members.

Hilary has two ragdoll-siamese cats, Gus and Baxter, and once climbed the border fence between the U.S. and Mexico. She like porters and American Pale Ales, mango sherbet and garlic-stuffed olives. She'll read any fantasy or sci-fi she can get her hands on.

Ten Forward Consulting


How to Make Your Website Not Ugly: 10 Simple UX Tenets for Non-Designers

To craft well-designed websites, you have to know 50 names for ""blue"" and the difference between a font and a typeface. Right?

Nope! In fact, there are numerous simple, practical ways to improve the look and usability of a website. Let's explore 10 of these together.