Doug Rhoten

Doug Rhoten is a Technical Product Owner at Jamf, a company who helps organizations succeed on the Apple platform by making software for managing macOS, iOS and tvOS devices for organizations around, and above, the world. Working out of the office in Eau Claire, Wisconsin he also runs the Chippewa Valley Developers Group and the Chippewa Valley Code Camp and has been known to help out with Startup48 an annual startup competition. When not shuttling his kids around, drinking whiskey with friends or trying to catch up on his sleep, you can find him dreaming of the day he can do more skiing and sailing. You can find him on twitter at @dougrhoten



Finding your MVP with User Story Mapping

Have you ever found yourself staring at your backlog, wondering what is truly important? Do you struggle running a meeting to talk about new features for a product, and are not quite certain where to begin the conversation?

User Story Mapping is one technique you can add to your tool belt that allows you to take a step back and get a higher-level overview of your project, while facilitating brainstorming and providing you a better sense of your projects priorities.

In this session, you’ll be briefly introduced to the concept of user story mapping before diving in head first into an interactive exercise where you get to try it out for yourself. You’ll document the steps in a project, and then strip it down to the bare essentials or Minimum Viable Product (MVP).