Derek Binkley

Derek is the Technical Lead at the National Conference of Bar Examiners, the creator of licensing exams for attorneys. He actively mentors other developers, specializes in Java, PHP, JavaScript, MySQL and Oracle and advocates for developer testing and adoption of agile methods. When not in front of a computer he enjoys spending time with family, traveling and drinking a local craft beer.

National Conference of Bar Examiners


Five Things All Developers Should Know About Databases

Throughout my career I have encountered many developers that don’t understand data storage and manipulation. This often leads to designs that create significant technical debt. This talk explores way to avoid these problems.

Every project handles some type of data and there have never been more ways to store that data than there are now. When is a relational database the best choice? How do you take advantage of the power inside your relational database engine? How do you design your data to let your app grow over time? We will explore these topics and more so that you can take your development skills to the next level by learning to love data.