Chris Johnson

Chris Johnson is a web developer and technology consultant living outside of Madison, Wisconsin. He has been developing websites professionally since 2003 when he got his first paycheck as a freelancer. He believes that software development is a craft and an art form, not a science. He enjoys crafting clean code and showing what he has accomplished no matter the tools and materials. When he's not developing he enjoys tinkering with technology and mechanical things, photography, video games, playing hockey along with spending time with his wife, Laura, their daughter Kenzie and their two dogs.

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It's OK to fail, the red, green, refactor story

Writing code is hard, writing perfect code is even harder. The best thing we can do is learn to fail! During this talk we'll learn how to use tests to guide our code design and improve implementation. We'll write small failing tests and iterate on them until we have some code that will be well written and easy to refactor in the future. We'll learn how writing small failing tests will guide us on our code writing journey.

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